up all night.

1. What Makes You Beautiful
2. Gotta Be You
3. One Thing
4. More Than This
5. Up All Night
6. I Wish
7. Tell Me A Lie
8. Taken
9. I Want
10. Everything About You
11. Same Mistakes
12. Save You Tonight
13. Stole My Heart

I just downloaded One Direction's album 'Up all night'. And don't call me a bad fan, cause I've pre-ordered the album 5 times already, I just wanted to hear the songs now! I couldn't wait :) And how good is this album?
I want to say something about each song, so I'm gonna do that now. Starting off with track one.

1. What makes you beautiful - I love this song, but because I've heard it so much recently it doesn't really affect me like it did the first time I heard it. It's a really good song and it was a really wise choice to release that as the first single.

2. Gotta be you - At first I thought this song was REALLY boyband-ish, and it is but it's grown on me and I really, really like it now. Whenever I hear the song I just see the video in my head, and i love that video so all is good.

3. One thing - This is one of my favourite songs on the album. It's also Niall's and Zayn's favourite song. It's a really feel good song, the beat makes me really happs. The vocals are really good as well, especially Harry's and Zayn's. Perfection.

4. More than this - For me, this is the most emotional song on the album. At first I was a bit unsure about this one just like I was with 'gotta be you', but I've listened to it a lot now and it's become one of my favourite songs atm.

5. Up all night - This is the song the album is named after and this is a really good song that will make you happy when you listen to it. It's all about not having a care in the world and having loads of fun, so when I listen to it, that what I feel. Young, free and without a care in the world. It makes me smile!

6. I wish - It's just something about this song that makes me think that I've heard it before. It's not original at all, don't get me wrong, I really like it. But there's just something about it that makes this one of them 'average' songs. There are always one or two songs off an album where you think 'it's not as good as the others'. So for me, it's this song.

7. Tell me a lie - Again, one of my favourite songs off the album. It's written by Kelly Clarkson, and it really do have this 'kelly' vibe about it. The chorus is definitely my favourite part in this song, it's so good and it's such a 'sing along' song. This will be the song that I will walk around singing.

8. Taken - The lyrics in this song are the ones I can relate to the most. When you want someone, they don't want you. But they want you, when they can't have you. That's why I love this song, cause of the lyrics.

9. I want - 100% my favourite song off the album. First off, it's written by Tom Fletcher from McFly (my all time favourite band). Second, the guitars in it makes me so happy. It reminds me of McFly and I think that's why I like it so much. Tom is such an amazing song writer and the fact that he's worked with One Direction on this song makes me smile loads. This is by FAR my favourite song, the guitar riffs, the vocals, the lyrics. I love it all!

10. Everything about you - The beat is so good. Makes me wanna get up and dance tbh, it really reminds me of a warm summer night just having a laugh with my friends. I really like it :)

11. Same mistakes - This song is so 'Take That'-ish. Don't get me wrong, I really like it but there's just something about it that makes this song the most boyband-ish. Yeah, they are a boyband but I don't know. There's just something about it that makes me think of Take That instead of One Direction..

12. Save you tonight - Love this song. This is one of them songs that I can listen to all the time without getting bored of it. The chorus is my favourite part, definitely. It's so good and happy!

13. Stole my heart - I LOVE the chorus in this song but the verses makes me really disappointed. Cause if they were better this song would be fantastic, but it's not now cause the chorus is so much better than the rest of the song. It's an alright song though!

I haven't heard the bonus tracks 'Moments' and 'Stand up'. I'm actually gutted, they're supposed to be REALLY good. So I can't wait to hear them when I get the album :)

driving lesson.

i have a driving lesson in about an hour and i'm shitting myself. i'm gonna absolute fail! i can feel it :| i need my drivers license before the end of january cause i'm going on a roadtrip then, so the license is pretty important. haha! but yeah, i have my first ever driving lesson today and hopefully it'll be okay but i've gotta feeling that i'm gonna fuck it up. i usually do.

oh well, getting the bus from work in about 10 mins cause i need to go to the bank first to put some money into my account. all is good.

team jacob.

just came home from seeing breaking dawn part one. i actually really, really liked it. it made me smile even though i hate most of the people in it, haha! they were all 'ok' in this movie, bella's still annoying though. seth clearwater is a babe though, love him loads. he's my favourite along with jacob :) he's wicked.

i would really recommend seeing this movie in the cinema asap. i would definitely go see it again, and i probably will. i always end up seeing a movie i like more than once in the cinema.

if i bought a meal at the cinema with medium drink and medium popcorn. you get this awesome cup and a twilight wristband, hahaha. i was BANG on it! love it.

breaking dawn.

i'm going to the premiere of breaking dawn today! yaaaay. i'm not as excited i used to be for these films though, cause i know what will happen and i don't like it. haha! also, i'm team jacob ALL the way. fucking hate all the characters except for jacob and carlise. how funny is that? i love the books and films but i hate everyone except them two, haha.

taylor lautner ftw. adore that boy!

under the mistletoe.

i'm sooo excited for christmas atm, i can't hack it. i'm sat at work like dancing around to justin bieber's christmas album 'under the mistletoe'. it's sooooo good, such a brill album. my favourite songs are definitely mistletoe, drummer boy, all i want is you and santa claus is coming to town. i'm almost finished with buy all christmas presents as well, just need a few more for my sister and dad but that's it. i'm such a loser, i've bought gingerbread dough yesterday as well so i'm gonna bake some gingerbread cookies this week! yaaay. i love the dough better than i like the actual cookies, so we'll see how many cookies i'll actually make. i doubt it'll be much tbh.


just came home from babysitting my neighbours children. they're four, FOUR kids. two twin boys at the age of 1, a boy who's 4 and a girl who's 8. love them kids so much, they're absolutely adorable! miss them already, haha.

i used to babysit twin girls from when they were 1 until they were 4. and i was at their house yesterday to take some pictures for my au pair application :) here they areeee.

babiessssssss. i miss them girls!

harry tweet.

my baby styles tweeted me again today :) haha and it was a funny one, love it. i love him loads, he's 100% my favourite person in the world atm.

baby justin.

this is a picture of me and a few friends with justin bieber last year in december. i miss this day so much, it was actually so jokes! we were all supposed to stand next to each other, but i was like 'nahh, i'm not going on the end.' so i stood infront of him hahha and just bent down. and justin goes 'bend down more giiirls' in his american accent. haha we were all just pissing ourselves and justin was so cute! i can't get over it, miss it loads.


got a question yesterday i thought i'd post here so everyone can see my answer, haha.

and the answer is, YES. he's so cheeky, i love it! so yeah emma, he really is :)

oh harry.

i love this so much. this is so funny. harry was so awkward during the interview and louis just made it even worse, haha!


x factor performance.

one direction were back on the x factor tonight performing their new single 'gotta be you'. they were absolutely incredible. harry hit them high notes amazingly, they were all so so good vocally and they make me so proud. i hope people now realise just how amazing these boys are and what amazing voices they have.

i like it like that.

hot chelle rae - i like it like that.
love this video and song so much, deffo my favourite song of theirs.

hot chelle rae event.

me with the boys :) jamie, nash, ryan and ian.

my gals and i with nash lookin' flyyyy.

gangstas with ian.

i think jamie was the best one to do play gangsta.

ryan was definitely the worst one seeing as he wanted to be a cowboy instead of gangsta, not okay.

it was such a good event i can't even explain. i feel so lucky that i won this competition so i got the opportunity to do this :) love my girls, the boys and sony music!

gotta be you.

the boys video to 'gotta be you'. i love this video so much, it's really good! sorry but harry in this video is just .... like i can't even, he makes me smile so much. miss him loads!

another world.

listen to that link, it's one direction's B-side to the 'Gotta be you' single. it's soooooooo good! i can't even. sounds a bit like 'hannah montana - best of both worlds' in the beginning, hahaha but it's brilliant!
AND little lou gets a solo, so happy for him :) finally!


tonight tonight.

last night was unbelievable. we did have quite high expectations and when we were waiting outside we were all saying to each other that we shouldn't expect too much and that we would probably be disappointed. but when we got in, there were about 15 fans there and that was it. we were let inside and there were three big round tables infront of the stage (it was more like a carpet and three chairs with microphones just on the floor) and then there were 4 big chairs like right next to the 'stage'. so we went and sat down there, don't think anyone else had the guts to sit there, haha. it was so funny! sony music gave us free pizza, snacks and drinks. i went straight for the alcohol, of course... haha!

after a while, the boys came out and sang three acoustic songs. we were all giggling and stuff cause it was so awkward, we were literally sat on the boys. haha! in between the songs the fans got to ask questions, but we couldn't come up with anything so we were just laughing and whispering. of course the boys noticed this, so they started saying that we had a secret and we refused to tell them. lol, it was so funny. it kept going on and on, like jamie went 'there's definitely something going on over there!' basically we just couldn't stop laughing cause it was such a surreal situation.

when they finished singing they had a little 'meet and greet' we stood in an awkward little queue and we took pics with the boys and got a signed picture of them :) ian asked me what my name was and i was like 'matilda' and he went 'm-a-t-i-l-d-a?' and i was like '........i think so' haha. then we sat down for a bit again and put our twitters down on the back of a picture of them, haha! lovisa did some amazing artwork drawing moustaches on the boys. then we gave it to nash, and he said he'd deffo follow us. after that it was just banter with nash for a bit then we got some more pictures with all the boys and stuff :) it was really good!

then we left and when we were leaving we saw that they had followed us :) yaaaay! we were literally stood on the pavement jumping and screaming! haha. after that we went to the trainstation so i could get my train home :) it was an incredible evening with a lot of fun and laughter.

i would just like to thank my amazing friends for last night and also the boys for being really nice and funny :) but most of all i would like to thank sony music sweden for putting this together and giving us such an amazing opportunity! they did a REALLY good job.

i will upload more pictures and videos when i get home later today :)



sorry that i'm so shit at updating my blog recently.

just done my nails and they look so good, i love it! also dyed my hair today, just a bit blonder in the ends :)
look, how pretty are my nails? :) lets hope it stays on for a while!


Sorry that i haven't written anything this weekend, but i've been really busy. i'll write about my weekend later today, okay? hopefully throw in a few pictures as well.

i'm at work right now and i went on perezhilton.com to catch up. and i saw this video, they're taking the piss out of the kardashians on saturday night live. it's so fucking funny! i watch the kardashian shows all the time and i love that family, but this is sooooo funny i can't even explain. just watch it, it's hilarious!


Omg. I can't breathe. I can't function. I just got invited to a 'Hot Chelle Rae' event here in Sweden. They're gonna play a few songs and I'm invited to take pictures of them for my blog, to promote them here in Sweden. I can't even. I hope I get to meet them as well, that would just be even more amazing. Time to charge the batteries in my GOOD camera. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!


facebook's not working for me. and i have NOTHING to do at work atm. so i'm bored to death.

what did i do yesterday? not much. went to work, my mum picked me up then we went to a taco takeaway place and got some enchiladas. went home, ate it then my friend anna came around and we went to the shop to get some sweets then back to mine and watched harry potter 7 part 2. i love that film so so much, definitely one of my favourite films ever. i'm thinking about getting a harry potter tattoo, but it's not just gonna stand for hp. it'll stand for a big part of my childhood, cause that is what harry potter was. it'll stand for everything harry potter is about. love, being brave, family, trust, fighting for what you believe in. i'll post a pic of it later cause this computer is absolute SHIT atm, nothing's working. pisses me off so much.

what i'm doing today?
just working then going home to babysit my neighbours kids for a few hours cause their parents are eating dinner and stuff with my parents. fucking annoying, but i have to do it. pisses me off cause i really cba today. i'm just in a shit mood and stuff like that. cba to do anything, just wanna play the sims or something, haha.

back to work i go. byebye.


i feel so grown up. off to stockholm for a meeting soon, so boring but oh well. haha!
i'll blog when i'm home later tonight. byeeeee

up all night.

here are the previews of one direction's album 'up all night'. my favourites so far is 'i want', 'taken' and 'tell me a lie'. 'I want' is written by none other than the amazing tom fletcher from my all time favourite band 'mcfly'. that's probably why i like it so much :)

so proud of my boys.

hot chelle rae.

 my babies 'hot chelle rae' are coming to sweden next week, and you have NO idea how excited i am. i NEED to meet them, their music is sooo good. you all need to listen to them, get on it people! they're so so so so so so good. when i first saw that they were coming to sweden i had a massive spaz attack. i never thought they'd come here, to little old sweden. but they are, and i'm more than happy that they are. just hopefully i'll get the chance to meet them as well, that would just be THE best thing ever :)


it was my birthday whilst i was in london. and i got a really lovely birthday tweet from harry styles :)

dude though, really harry? haha. he's a beaut, love him.


new stuff.

just bought these amazing shoes and cardigan from nelly.com. i absolutely love both the items, can't wait to get them!


london, part 1.

had a wicked time in london. came home on saturday but haven't been bothered to write anything yet. so here we go. didn't really do much in london, had a great time with my friends and met a few xf people :) all is good. i met frankie cocozza for the first time, he's such a beauts person. inside and out. love him so much. also met my other baby, charlie healy from the risk. he's probably THE nicest of them all, what an absolute babe! ah miss them lot so much already. and i'll probs never see them again unless frankie stays in the xf next weekend as well. if he does, that means he'll be on tour next year so i'm deffo going over to england for that. i miss last xf tour though, with one direction and them lot. that was so much fun, so i deffo wanna do it again but with frankster.

me and frankie the first time i met him. on my own outside mcdonalds. haha, i was so nervous cause i thought he might be a douche. but he was sooooo lovely. asked me what my twittername was and stuff, BABE.

this was like the fourth time i met frankie or something, can't remember. he was such a babe, just before this my friend grace goes 'she's swedish!!' and frankie goes 'oh really, are you?' so i went 'yeahh i am.' and he goes 'ahhh, i'd love a swedish bird.' YES PLEASE. pick me, pick me! hahah.

we were gonna take a hugging picture, but he decided to hold me and just stand there and talk to other people whilst hugging me. not complaining. it was nice, haha.

and this is our hugging picture. LOVE IT. probably one of my favourite pictures ever, such a nice photo :) we'd make a great couple, hah.

me and charlie the first time i met him :) we were queueing to watch the xf and i went to the toilets and there he was, so i got a picture. haha!

the wanted were performing at the xf when we were in there, so afterwards we went outside and met them. this picture is so fucking funny. just sums up the whole thing to be honest. love jay.

this picture probably shows just how drunk nathan was. hahaha! he was so happs to see me, made me really glad tbh. i've missed him!

in part 2 i'm gonna post some pictures from when i was at my sister's in oxford for a few days.
i miss england already! wanna go back now.

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