nervous nervous nervous nervous.
got these in the post today. got me smiling.
novotel videos.
chilling with harry and louis.
chilling again. so fucking jokes when they were taking the piss :')
just before harry ordered pizza for us! :) awwww qt.
this was my fave time seeing them, everrrr. such a good time :)
random pictures.

me and louis. i'm doing an 'L' for 'Louis' and he's doing an 'M' for 'Matilda'. cute.

just walking along with zayn. when he told me that me and my best friends were the first fans he remembers :) qtttt.

a picture of me taking a picture with lou and harry the first time i met them here in sweden after moving back from london :) good times. i miss this loads.

Matilda Landenberg, yeahhhhh buddie that's me!
so i got TWO of these posters in the post like a day after the competition ended, so i decided to give one to my really good friend lovisa cause i'm such an amazing friend, hah.

up all night.

1. What Makes You Beautiful
2. Gotta Be You
3. One Thing
4. More Than This
5. Up All Night
6. I Wish
7. Tell Me A Lie
8. Taken
9. I Want
10. Everything About You
11. Same Mistakes
12. Save You Tonight
13. Stole My Heart
I just downloaded One Direction's album 'Up all night'. And don't call me a bad fan, cause I've pre-ordered the album 5 times already, I just wanted to hear the songs now! I couldn't wait :) And how good is this album?
I want to say something about each song, so I'm gonna do that now. Starting off with track one.
1. What makes you beautiful - I love this song, but because I've heard it so much recently it doesn't really affect me like it did the first time I heard it. It's a really good song and it was a really wise choice to release that as the first single.
2. Gotta be you - At first I thought this song was REALLY boyband-ish, and it is but it's grown on me and I really, really like it now. Whenever I hear the song I just see the video in my head, and i love that video so all is good.
3. One thing - This is one of my favourite songs on the album. It's also Niall's and Zayn's favourite song. It's a really feel good song, the beat makes me really happs. The vocals are really good as well, especially Harry's and Zayn's. Perfection.
4. More than this - For me, this is the most emotional song on the album. At first I was a bit unsure about this one just like I was with 'gotta be you', but I've listened to it a lot now and it's become one of my favourite songs atm.
5. Up all night - This is the song the album is named after and this is a really good song that will make you happy when you listen to it. It's all about not having a care in the world and having loads of fun, so when I listen to it, that what I feel. Young, free and without a care in the world. It makes me smile!
6. I wish - It's just something about this song that makes me think that I've heard it before. It's not original at all, don't get me wrong, I really like it. But there's just something about it that makes this one of them 'average' songs. There are always one or two songs off an album where you think 'it's not as good as the others'. So for me, it's this song.
7. Tell me a lie - Again, one of my favourite songs off the album. It's written by Kelly Clarkson, and it really do have this 'kelly' vibe about it. The chorus is definitely my favourite part in this song, it's so good and it's such a 'sing along' song. This will be the song that I will walk around singing.
8. Taken - The lyrics in this song are the ones I can relate to the most. When you want someone, they don't want you. But they want you, when they can't have you. That's why I love this song, cause of the lyrics.
9. I want - 100% my favourite song off the album. First off, it's written by Tom Fletcher from McFly (my all time favourite band). Second, the guitars in it makes me so happy. It reminds me of McFly and I think that's why I like it so much. Tom is such an amazing song writer and the fact that he's worked with One Direction on this song makes me smile loads. This is by FAR my favourite song, the guitar riffs, the vocals, the lyrics. I love it all!
10. Everything about you - The beat is so good. Makes me wanna get up and dance tbh, it really reminds me of a warm summer night just having a laugh with my friends. I really like it :)
11. Same mistakes - This song is so 'Take That'-ish. Don't get me wrong, I really like it but there's just something about it that makes this song the most boyband-ish. Yeah, they are a boyband but I don't know. There's just something about it that makes me think of Take That instead of One Direction..
12. Save you tonight - Love this song. This is one of them songs that I can listen to all the time without getting bored of it. The chorus is my favourite part, definitely. It's so good and happy!
13. Stole my heart - I LOVE the chorus in this song but the verses makes me really disappointed. Cause if they were better this song would be fantastic, but it's not now cause the chorus is so much better than the rest of the song. It's an alright song though!
I haven't heard the bonus tracks 'Moments' and 'Stand up'. I'm actually gutted, they're supposed to be REALLY good. So I can't wait to hear them when I get the album :)
harry tweet.
my baby styles tweeted me again today :) haha and it was a funny one, love it. i love him loads, he's 100% my favourite person in the world atm.
oh harry.
i love this so much. this is so funny. harry was so awkward during the interview and louis just made it even worse, haha!
x factor performance.
one direction were back on the x factor tonight performing their new single 'gotta be you'. they were absolutely incredible. harry hit them high notes amazingly, they were all so so good vocally and they make me so proud. i hope people now realise just how amazing these boys are and what amazing voices they have.
it was my birthday whilst i was in london. and i got a really lovely birthday tweet from harry styles :)
dude though, really harry? haha. he's a beaut, love him.
harry styles.

one of my favourite pictures of harry. so fucking beautiful. too much love for this boy.
niall vs nile.

bring 1d to sweden.
on saturday i took the train to stockholm at 4, met up with the girls at 5 and we took the train to the airport to meet up with the other girls :) sat there, like almost alone. but then more and more girls turned up. it was about 50 fans at the airport when they boys arrived. i still think it was alright though, got to speak to harry for a bit which is always nice. he's my baby. awkward moments with louis, but i reckon we're alright now. liam was a babe. zayn and niall didn't even see me, haha. but yeah all good. after that me, emelie, nattis and verro went home to the twins' house, ate some food and went to bed. just to get up 3 hours later and go queuing for the 1D event.
after loads of hassle with pathetic fangirls, we all ended up with a 1D wristband on our wrists. so we were the lucky 300 who got to go to the event, whilst about 600 people didn't get a wristband and didn't get to go. Inside I was stood with lovisa, linnea, gassia and moa. quite far back cause we couldn't really be arsed. but i had my amazing banner that said '@matildajonas is my baby.' haha! so linnea held it up cause she's tall so niall spotted the banner and stood on his tip-toes to see me and wave with the biggest grin on his face. he's so adorable, love him! they answered some questions and then performed 'what makes you beautiful' acoustic with niall on the guitar. amazing, such talented boys!
after the performance they had a signing, and my girls wanted me to go first for some reason haha so i went first. and basically just said hi to liam quick, then harry goes 'aaaaah, she's baaaack!! louisss, she's baaack!' whilst laughing. and louis goes 'wooooo she's back!!' and i was just like 'well... yeah?' haha. and then harry goes 'you've been to like loads of signings now, in different countries!' and i go 'this is my first signing...' then harry and louis just looks at each other and looks so confused. it was jokes. then i went over to zayn and cause he hadn't seen me yet he goes 'MATILDAAAAAAA!' like really loud and with a massive smile on his face. i was like 'oh hello there..' and then he high-fives me. lol, lame. i was like alright then. then niall sees me and high-fives me as well, weirdos. and i said to niall 'did you see my banner? ;)' and he goes 'haha yeaaaah!!' hah. i love them boys!
after that we all went to the airport to see them off, but it was packed so they didn't stop. so a fail in other words. i did manage to say 'louis, get your A+ arse out' pretty loud and he heard me. so i was embarrased. ohwell, it's all good fun. then i took the bus home from there :( boooring. didn't want it to end. love my girls and the boys so much.
gassia, moa and sandra in the queue.
verro's beautiful slippers.
writing numbers on all the fans' hands.
linnea and cassi in the queue.
inside the venue.
they were showing some of the boys' old x factor performances.
the boys. (the stage was so low down, it was shit.)
all the pictures are nathalie's. the link to her blog is tagged on the last picture :)
dare to dream.
announcing the tour.
the boys looking fit in canada the other day.
1D tour.
like some of you probably have seen already, it's time for the boys first own tour. Here are all the dates and cities they're gonna visit on their tour which starts in late december to the end of january.
i circled the ones i'm going to. will be going to nottingham with cherelle, rachel and natalie. london with grace and anisha. brighton with grace and anisha as well. all us girls are going out for pascale's birthday after the london date as well, so it'll be a good night to finish off with :) ahhhh, i can't wait!!! will be so so good.
we're like na na na.
ahhhhhhhh. i'm a bit slow, but for the first time since we found out, I'm actually excited about one direction coming to sweden this weekend. maybe because my best friend grace is an absolute babe. so is zayn, if he keeps his promise. ah. if he does i'll just be so so happy. also gonna spend the whole weekend in stockholm with my girls. i hope we get wristbands for the q&a thingy they're doing here as well. that would be so much fun. also wanna get more picturesssss.
first time i met them in sweden :) baby lou and baby h.
cause everything is alright.
i'll always be a louis girl.