
facebook's not working for me. and i have NOTHING to do at work atm. so i'm bored to death.

what did i do yesterday? not much. went to work, my mum picked me up then we went to a taco takeaway place and got some enchiladas. went home, ate it then my friend anna came around and we went to the shop to get some sweets then back to mine and watched harry potter 7 part 2. i love that film so so much, definitely one of my favourite films ever. i'm thinking about getting a harry potter tattoo, but it's not just gonna stand for hp. it'll stand for a big part of my childhood, cause that is what harry potter was. it'll stand for everything harry potter is about. love, being brave, family, trust, fighting for what you believe in. i'll post a pic of it later cause this computer is absolute SHIT atm, nothing's working. pisses me off so much.

what i'm doing today?
just working then going home to babysit my neighbours kids for a few hours cause their parents are eating dinner and stuff with my parents. fucking annoying, but i have to do it. pisses me off cause i really cba today. i'm just in a shit mood and stuff like that. cba to do anything, just wanna play the sims or something, haha.

back to work i go. byebye.


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