i wanna be drunk when i wake up.
Cause I'm seeing Ed Sheeran in Stockholm next weekend! Be jel.
under the mistletoe.
i'm sooo excited for christmas atm, i can't hack it. i'm sat at work like dancing around to justin bieber's christmas album 'under the mistletoe'. it's sooooo good, such a brill album. my favourite songs are definitely mistletoe, drummer boy, all i want is you and santa claus is coming to town. i'm almost finished with buy all christmas presents as well, just need a few more for my sister and dad but that's it. i'm such a loser, i've bought gingerbread dough yesterday as well so i'm gonna bake some gingerbread cookies this week! yaaay. i love the dough better than i like the actual cookies, so we'll see how many cookies i'll actually make. i doubt it'll be much tbh.

i like it like that.
hot chelle rae - i like it like that.
love this video and song so much, deffo my favourite song of theirs.
gotta be you.
the boys video to 'gotta be you'. i love this video so much, it's really good! sorry but harry in this video is just .... like i can't even, he makes me smile so much. miss him loads!
another world.
listen to that link, it's one direction's B-side to the 'Gotta be you' single. it's soooooooo good! i can't even. sounds a bit like 'hannah montana - best of both worlds' in the beginning, hahaha but it's brilliant!
AND little lou gets a solo, so happy for him :) finally!
AND little lou gets a solo, so happy for him :) finally!
up all night.
here are the previews of one direction's album 'up all night'. my favourites so far is 'i want', 'taken' and 'tell me a lie'. 'I want' is written by none other than the amazing tom fletcher from my all time favourite band 'mcfly'. that's probably why i like it so much :)
so proud of my boys.
so proud of my boys.