Tonight is the first semi final of Eurovision Songcontest 2012 and my baby twins are singing tonight! So in the honour of them and their song 'Waterline' I decided to due my dipdye hair blue. It looks so good! I'm consider to dye it like this permanently.
What do you all think?
scandic hotel.
this is the hotel we'll be staying at in january.

A FUCKING FIREPLACE GIRLS! like last time, haha.

and they have a bloody pool! hah i feel so posh.. i can't wait!
twin tour.

this is what the hotel looks like! :) yaaay can't wait. i'm gonna book our first train now as well i think! woo. i'm so excited!
i'm john. i'm edward.
two weeks ago my friends emily, hope, natalie and sam were here in sweden to see me and the twins (jedward). and it was so much fun, literally one of the best weekends of my life. i was laughing constantly for 3 days! so yesterday when the girls met them in london they were speaking to john about the sweden trip and john wanted to know everything about my house and kept asking them about it. haha, it's just a normal house. nothing special. he also said how funny it was when i pretended to be british so i could hear if any of the swedish fans were chatting shit about us, haha. apparently he was laughing so much! ahhhh, i hope they're in london in october when i'm there, so i can go see them. miss them two twins loads.
here are some pictures from the weekend! :) love them all.