
February was better than January. I went back to England and it was also the first time we stayed in the same hotel as One Direction. It was at the Novotel and it was THE best time I've ever had. We were just chilling with them in the lobby, playing playstation and just chatting about everything! :)
here's a video from the novotel of my best friend grace being herself really. this was too funny!
styles and myself at the novo

myself and nialler (and lauren looking like a mong in the back)

myself and liam

louis and me (i look rank in the other pics from this hotel. so this is all you're gonna get haha)

chilling with liam, this is when he followed me on twitter :) aw qt. and niall in the back, haha.

i have more videos from when we were with louis and harry but my friend has them, i'll upload as soon as i get them :)
this was the highlight from february.

I thought I'd do one of them things where you go through all the months from 2011, like most people have done lately.
I didn't really do much, I was at home in Sweden just working really. It wasn't a great month, but I went to a few parties which was good :)
new years eve last year.

That's about it, january was so shit last year. Definitely one of the most boring months ever.
here's a few pictures of me and my fam in new zealand 2009.

us in queenstown, new zealand.

my mum and dad in new zealand.

my sister, me and my dad.

sister, mum and me in christchurch, nz.

dad, my sister and i in nz.
this was one of the best holidays ever, miss it.


the back of my head and justin, we're talking.

me and justin.

john and edward (jedward)

eric saade

jonas brothers

danny from mcfly.

dougie from mcfly.

harry from mcfly.

tom from mcfly.

twenty twenty.

luke (freddie from skins).

lee ryan from blue.

miley cyrus, but i never got a picture with her. she signed stuff for me though!

zach from allstar weekend.

cameron from allstar weekend.

dolph lundgren, hahaha.

mollie from the saturdays.

mandy jiroux.


pro green.

rio ferdinand.

brody jenner.

louis walsh.

charlie simpson.

sam from towie.

amy childs.

joe mcelderry.

preston haha.

olly murs.

mitch hewer.

kaya (effy from skins).

one direction (only group picture i had).

the wanted.
here's a few of them. haha there's more but i cba to post them all! :)
i went shopping today after work and it was good, found a few stuff for myself and bought the last christmas presents. so all is good. bought a new pair of shoes and they were on sale! woooo, gotta love the sale. so i got them without even thinking twice about it, and they're gooooorge.
here's a few things i bought today.

the shoes, from vagabond.

two bags, the brown black white one is from kappahl and the black one is from lindex.
also bought a tshirt, some presents and stuff :) was a good day shopping!
the sims.
my sister coming home for christmas was probably the best thing ever, cause she's got her laptop with her and she's got sims 3 on it! so i was playing it all night yesterday, it's soooo much fun. i bloody love it! when i get home from work today i'm gonna play it again, haha. forever stealing my sister's laptop.
does anyone else like the sims? :)
i live for the weekend.
like i said a few days ago, i went to stockholm this weekend to see my babies moa, lovisa and gassia. we spent friday night watching films and stuff at lovisa's house. didn't do much to be honest, but it was nice to spend time with them again :) they're my faaaaaves.
why is gassia so fucking fit? i can't handle her. she's one of the funniest people i know!!!
kendall jenner.
i have a massive love for miley cyrus, she's my favourite person ever. she's the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. but right now, my girl crush is kendall jenner. what a natural beauty. if i could look like anyone right now, it'd be her. she's so perfect and she doesn't even try hard to look pretty. at the moment, she's the most beautiful girl in the world. so jealous of her!
here are some of my favourite pictures of her.

my bby's and ryan, but ryan isn't coming tonight unfortunately. i asked him but he said he was busy, what a dick. how dare he? oh well.
(ryan is in a band called hot chelle rae, check them out!)
driving lesson.
oh well, getting the bus from work in about 10 mins cause i need to go to the bank first to put some money into my account. all is good.

just came home from babysitting my neighbours children. they're four, FOUR kids. two twin boys at the age of 1, a boy who's 4 and a girl who's 8. love them kids so much, they're absolutely adorable! miss them already, haha.
i used to babysit twin girls from when they were 1 until they were 4. and i was at their house yesterday to take some pictures for my au pair application :) here they areeee.
babiessssssss. i miss them girls!
baby justin.

this is a picture of me and a few friends with justin bieber last year in december. i miss this day so much, it was actually so jokes! we were all supposed to stand next to each other, but i was like 'nahh, i'm not going on the end.' so i stood infront of him hahha and just bent down. and justin goes 'bend down more giiirls' in his american accent. haha we were all just pissing ourselves and justin was so cute! i can't get over it, miss it loads.
hot chelle rae event.

me with the boys :) jamie, nash, ryan and ian.

my gals and i with nash lookin' flyyyy.

gangstas with ian.

i think jamie was the best one to do play gangsta.

ryan was definitely the worst one seeing as he wanted to be a cowboy instead of gangsta, not okay.
it was such a good event i can't even explain. i feel so lucky that i won this competition so i got the opportunity to do this :) love my girls, the boys and sony music!
tonight tonight.
last night was unbelievable. we did have quite high expectations and when we were waiting outside we were all saying to each other that we shouldn't expect too much and that we would probably be disappointed. but when we got in, there were about 15 fans there and that was it. we were let inside and there were three big round tables infront of the stage (it was more like a carpet and three chairs with microphones just on the floor) and then there were 4 big chairs like right next to the 'stage'. so we went and sat down there, don't think anyone else had the guts to sit there, haha. it was so funny! sony music gave us free pizza, snacks and drinks. i went straight for the alcohol, of course... haha!
after a while, the boys came out and sang three acoustic songs. we were all giggling and stuff cause it was so awkward, we were literally sat on the boys. haha! in between the songs the fans got to ask questions, but we couldn't come up with anything so we were just laughing and whispering. of course the boys noticed this, so they started saying that we had a secret and we refused to tell them. lol, it was so funny. it kept going on and on, like jamie went 'there's definitely something going on over there!' basically we just couldn't stop laughing cause it was such a surreal situation.
when they finished singing they had a little 'meet and greet' we stood in an awkward little queue and we took pics with the boys and got a signed picture of them :) ian asked me what my name was and i was like 'matilda' and he went 'm-a-t-i-l-d-a?' and i was like '........i think so' haha. then we sat down for a bit again and put our twitters down on the back of a picture of them, haha! lovisa did some amazing artwork drawing moustaches on the boys. then we gave it to nash, and he said he'd deffo follow us. after that it was just banter with nash for a bit then we got some more pictures with all the boys and stuff :) it was really good!
then we left and when we were leaving we saw that they had followed us :) yaaaay! we were literally stood on the pavement jumping and screaming! haha. after that we went to the trainstation so i could get my train home :) it was an incredible evening with a lot of fun and laughter.
i would just like to thank my amazing friends for last night and also the boys for being really nice and funny :) but most of all i would like to thank sony music sweden for putting this together and giving us such an amazing opportunity! they did a REALLY good job.
i will upload more pictures and videos when i get home later today :)
just done my nails and they look so good, i love it! also dyed my hair today, just a bit blonder in the ends :)
look, how pretty are my nails? :) lets hope it stays on for a while!

i'm at work right now and i went on perezhilton.com to catch up. and i saw this video, they're taking the piss out of the kardashians on saturday night live. it's so fucking funny! i watch the kardashian shows all the time and i love that family, but this is sooooo funny i can't even explain. just watch it, it's hilarious!