hitting the town.
On my way into town right now, just finished work :) So I'm gonna have a look around to see if I can find any nice jeans and a top. My dark red jeans broke today, so definitely need a new pair!
It's super windy today as well, and a bit colder than other days. But I'll manage, not going to be out for long! So all is good.
me just now walking to the bus!
pretty little liars.

Just found these on the website for the shop 'Delias'. There are LOADS of PLL tshirts and I love them. PLL is one of my favourite tv shows and has been for a while! It's so good that I'm actually thinking about getting the 'I know who A is.'
My dad is now in New York and he's currently out shopping for me, what a brilliant dad I have. He just bought me this beautiful dress from Forever 21 that I asked him to get. It'll be so nice in the summer with a pair of white converse during the day and some high heels in the evening and a denim jacket and some rayban aviators.
I gave my dad a list of things to get me, that I picked out. It's all from Forever 21 cause that's my faaaave shop along with Topshop!
Can't wait to wear this dress!
My love for Chad Dylan Cooper and Sonny Munroe is just growing each day. They're the two main characters in 'Sonny with a chance', one of my favourite shows. They're played by Sterling Knight and Demi Lovato.
Just look at them? They're my faves.
All the GIF's are taken from http://fuckyeahstemi.tumblr.com/.
spaghetti bolognese.
Whilst my mum was working at home, I was the perfect daughter and made us dinner. I made my famous spag bol, that is pretty much the only dish I'm good at doing and I think it's a lot of fun to make. It made my mum very happy, also the fact that I've decided to be more healthy now made my mum happy as well. But guess what? I'm bloody ill now. I've got a sore throat and can barely speak, brilliant. So I can't go out for a run today, will have to be another day. I hate that, now that I've set my mind to doing this I get a sore throat.
How yummy does this look?
Matilda Landenberg
Hello there, Gassia aka Gassialiciouz in tha house(blog)
I thought it would fun to write a little bit about Matilda.
So here we go…the first time I met Matilda was outside One Directions studio in Stockholm. She was with some of my friends so we just said hi to each other. Then some weeks later Jedward came to Sweden and I wanted to see them so I went to “Gröna Lund” with my sister to see them live. I was on Facebook and I saw that my friends were there too so I decided to go and sit with them for a while. My friends left after maybe 1-2 hours and then Matilda came and sat down for like 10 min and asked if I liked jedward and I was like...”well, I’m not their biggest fan but I think they’re good but my sister just became a fan haha.” I think that was the first time we talked haha.
before Ed Sheerans gig in Stockholm
I’ve known Matilda for maybe 8 months now but to be honest it feels like we’ve known each other for ageees. I always have a good time with her just because she’s so funny and lovely. She’s always putting a smile on my face and “light up my world like nobody else” this may sound cheesy but it’s 100% true. She always cheers me up when I’m sad and we always talk to each other like...24/7 haha. I call/text her when I’m sad, happy, bored, random yeah you name it. And the thing I like the most is that I can be myself with her, I don’t have to think before I say or do things. Actually, I never thought I would find such an amazing friend as her. We have so much in common, I mean, we both love One Direction, our favourite is Harry, we hate Louis (he sucks!!!), we’ve been playing soccer, Hot Chelle Rae are our boys and we think Ed sheerans music is just so freakin awesome.It’s kinda hard to describe in words how much she means to me and how wonderful she is but I hope she knows that she’s an amazing person that I love to be with.
loooove this pic!
I’m gonna marry Harry Styles…no doubt about it! But Matilda and my friends just laugh at me and says I’m funny…well I let them make fun of me but when I stand there in the curch, in front of the minister, ready to marry Harry I’ll be the one making fun of them and laughing in their faces. I just can’t wait for that day to come, so excited! haha! And just because I’m so nice I’ll share my husband Harry with her. But only with her so you guys who would like to have harry as your boyfriend/husband can forget him.
my husband and I
This summer will be the best, we’ll have so much fun doing crazeeeh things! Can’t waiiiit :D
I'll sum it all up by saying she’s one of my absolute best friends and I love her to bits!
And excuse me for my bad English but I’m Swedish hahaha!
hope you liked it and if you want to read Matildas text about me, check out my blog Gassias.blogg.se (it's AMAZIIING)

Got a question about the birthday meal and how I know my girls.
I know them through One Direction. The first time I went to meet the boys in Sweden I met them :) and from there on we just became better and better friends and now they're my best friends and love them loads. So happy I've got them <3
must have more.

I put together another outfit I would LOVE to wear this summer. My dad is in America right now and he's getting me that skirt, so hopefully I can get the rest so I can wear this gorgeous outfit.
(Skirt from Forever 21, top from Topshop, bag and necklace from ASOS, shoes from Jeffrey Campbell and the sunglasses are rayban wayfarers)
nice work.
Just got this from my work, I work with buying groceries from suppliers that ship them to our warehouses around Sweden. Right now I'm sat in the team that buys snacks, sweets, drinks and all that jazz. So when I got to work today these crisps were sat on my desk. Makes me smile loads but I'm trying to be healthy right now so this wasn't really what I needed. We'll see what happens to these crisps :) haha!
must have.

i want this outfit so bad. shorts, top, shoes, bag and sunglasses are from topshop. necklace and bracelet are from forever 21. such a beautiful summer look.
birthday meal.
Went to Stockholm yesterday to see my girls and celebrate Lovisa's and Gassia's birthdays that are on Thursday but we had to do it a bit earlier :) first we went to the cinema like I said and then we went back to Lovisa's house and made som dinner and watched 'A midnight in Paris', that film was absolutely shit! We were all really disappointed with it and were all gutted that we didn't watch 'Abduction' instead, haha. After that we went on Twitcam and just generally had a laugh. They're my fave people ever and I love them so much, always laugh so much when I'm with them! :)
on da bus.
on the bus on my way home now, i hate going home :( makes me feel sick knowing that i have to go to work tomorrow and won't see the girls for ages now! had a really good weekend though, wouldn't change it for the world!
got nothing to do today so probably just gonna watch a few series on my laptop and chill in my one piece! perfect sunday :)
this means war.
at the cinema with the girls about to see 'this means war'!! i have already seen it once but it so good that i wanted to see it again!
https://cdn1.cdnme.se/cdn/7-1/2986673/images/2012/pic_194282713.jpg" class="image">

been skyping with the girls tonight, for aaaaaaaaaaages. seeing them tomorrow :) how exciting!! i've also been watching 'sonny with a chance' all evening, it's 100% one of my favourite tv shows. makes me laugh ALL the time, my fave is chad dylan cooper ;) what a legend. sterling knight is sooooo fit as well, love him loads.
i'm off to stockholm tomorrow morning so i'm just gonna watch a few more episodes of swac and then head to bed :)
goodnight everyone xoxo
today I'm wearing a pair of dark red jeans with a white shirt with a black leather collar and a blue jumper on top of the shirt.
I love this look, with a shirt underneath a normal plain jumper.

good question. but i'm sorry i can't answer that, i have NO idea how many times i've met them. i stopped counting like a week after i met them the first time. basically i've met them a lot, lets just say that.
2 out of 4.
this is basically what the car looked like today, haha so much fun!

nervous nervous nervous nervous.
got these in the post today. got me smiling.

A: i'm 21, oh god. i'm so old. but i feel more like 17 tbh, haha!
i moved to london because i attended a bartending course for a month and then worked as a bartender during the summer of 2010 and then i started uni in the autumn 2010 but dropped out. first i lived at a hotel in london during that first month and then i moved in with a few swedish people in clapham, london and lived there the whole summer after that i started kingston university so i lived in halls in surbiton at that time.
last time i 'saw' one direction was in february, but i only saw them and got a 'hello' cause it was packed. last time i saw them ALL properly was august in london at their hotel, i saw harry properly in october though cause he was the only one i spoke to really. i also attended their signing in october but that's not really meeting them properly so, hah. also saw niall briefly in january, but that doesn't count.
hope that answers your questions :) and thank youu! means a lot x
i know this is boring but idk what to write. haha! back to studying i gooooo.
brill brill brill.
this weekend was great. it was my mums birthday on friday so she just had some people over and we ate delicious food and had a laugh!
saturday i took the train to stockholm and met up with gassia and moa. we took the tube to globen where we were just chilling for a bit, youngblood and ulrik munther were gonna be there later for a performance and signing. after a bit we went around the back of the shopping centre cause we knew that was where the boys were gonna go in. we sat there for about 10 mins and then youngblood showed up, it was so awks at first. like, i couldn't go up to them so gassia had to go first but it was all fine, the boys were jokes and really nice and happy to see us there! so we got a group pic with them and i love it loads. Spoke to them a little and then they went in, so we stayed there to wait for ulrik munther to come out and he did so we all got pics with him as well :) then we went inside to watch youngblood perform and they were SO good!! after that we went outside again and met them. turns out moa dropped her earphones outside there and the boys found them and gave it to her! haha how funny? all in all it was a brill day out. then i took the train home and watch mello.
sunday, i didn't do much. just watched some football and stuff.
and now i have work all week, then im off to stockholm again this weekend :)