pink all the way.
i dyed my hair two days ago, my dipdye that used to be blonde is now pink. I didn't dye it with proper hair dye though. I used chalk crayons that I crushed and mixed it with water and then put it on the blonde bits. When it dries it looks really nice, but it only lasts until I wash my hair. I do really like it though, so might just do it for real.
What do you all think?
i wanna be drunk when i wake up.
Cause I'm seeing Ed Sheeran in Stockholm next weekend! Be jel.
brill weekend.
Had a brilliant weekend. Started on Friday when I took the train to Stockholm and met up with Linnea and cassi, then we went to topshop and I bought a top. After that we met up with Gassia, Lovisa and Moa, sat down at a cafè and just talked for hours. I've missed them loads. After that, me, Gassia, Lovisa and Moa went back to G's place and we watched Harry potter and just cuddled in bed, haha.
The next day we didn't do much, Moa went home. Bastard. We made tacos and watched some more Harry potter :) the next day we met up with Moa again and we were just chilling.
Saw the boys briefly on the Monday, but it was absolutely shit. Saw Louis and Harry though so I was pleased with that :) then I went home on Monday evening and went to bed.
Now I'm just sat at work, lunch soon. And tonight I'm off to my grandma's house cause it's her birthday today.
weekend in paris. (or not)
I was in Uppsala last weekend and it was brill. Spent done quality time with y best friend, we watched films, talked, made dinner, went shopping and partied. Literally one of the best weekends in a while :) I'd missed her loads. I don't get to see her a lot anymore and it's quite upsetting.
This is what I bought there :)
me and em.
em out shopping.

haha weird question, but do you speak with a swedish accent when you speak english?
answer: ehm, no. haha my english is really british, most of the time you can't even tell that i'm swedish.