
i can't wait, seeing my baby grace tomorrow night. will be so so good! and then i have x factor on sunday :) yayayayay! i can't wait to be back in england for two weeks. i'm gonna enjoy it to the max. cause next time i'm going there won't be until january for the boys' tour. i hope i get to see my 1d boys, the twins and my the wanted boys. i haven't seen the wanted since before i moved back to sweden. so AGES ago basically. i bet they miss me.
i'm still ill though. hopefully feeling better tomorrow.
i'm upset. angry. ill. and i don't even know why.
thought i'd post pictures of my two tattoos :)
first one i got is a heart, on my neck behind my ear. the story behind this one is that when me and my three best friends at the time were in germany and holland to see mcfly. (we were all massive mcfly fans, that's how we all met.) so we decided that we were gonna get our favourite member of mcfly to draw a heart on our necks that we would go get tattooed the next day. so we met the boys in amsterdam at their hotel. me and two others got danny jones to draw out hearts and the bella got dougie to do hers. it was so much fun and the boys loved our idea :) the next day we got it tattooed and it everyone's first tattoo. i love these 3 girls so much, they mean the world to me.
my second tattoo stands for a pair of twins who made my year in london amazing. because of them i made all the amazing friends i have today. if it wasn't for them, i wouldn't have my best friend that i have today. they've given me so much, so many amazing memories that i'll take with me everywhere i go.
i love them so much. i'm so proud of my tattoos. i don't regret a single thing about getting them.
and this time in london, i'm gonna get one or two more.
i want to get two small black swallows on my left wrist along with the lyrics 'what makes you beautiful' on my arm in typewriter font.
we'll see if i'll actually go through with getting them, but i hope so. i love tattoos!
the wanted perform,

katy perry perform

at the x factor!!!!!!!

i'm so so so so so so so so so so so so excited!!!!!! not only am i going to see them perform, i'm gonna see my babies frankie cocozza and andy merry!!!! yayayayayaayayayy, i can't even explain how happy i am right now :D
home alone.
this is what it's supposed to look like

mine were all soft and shit. haha! oh well, i'll try it again some other time.
i'm so ill at the moment. my troath is killing me, i feel dizzy and i'm sat at work. i'm gonna go home early today, cause i'm so ill. fuck this. i don't wanna be ill when i go to london on saturday!!!
just started reading this blog. i love that she writes in english and that she writes about her life in LA. i'm moving to America soon, so it's really fun to read about. she's so stunning as well, i wish i could look like her.
check it out, it's a really good blog :)
dip dye.

if i had blonde hair i would deffo do this to my hair, it's soooo lush! but i have brown hair with blonde ends :) i love my dip dyed hair! it's so pretty.
harry styles.

one of my favourite pictures of harry. so fucking beautiful. too much love for this boy.
niall vs nile.

irri, aggro, klockis.
had an amazing weekend. on friday around 3pm i left work to go to the transtation where i jumped on my train to stockholm, literally jumped cause it was so high up from the platform. and there were no seats, so i had to stand up the whole way. so not okay. then i met up with cassi at the station and of course emelie och nattis were late. as per usual. so we met them at the other side of the station where we had to get our other train to get to lovisa's. so we got on that train and met up with lovisa, moa och gassia. when we came out of the trainstation/shoppingcentre, gassia was stood there with bengan(lovisa's dog), looking very suspicious. so we asked what happened and she said that another dog came along and bengan attacked it, got out of his collar and everything! hahahaha, it was so funny. couldn't stop laughing :') then we went to get some sweets. lovisa's house is MASSIVE, no joke. it was so huge, we were all like little kids running around in it!
then we made TACOS, wohoooo. favourite food! it went quite well actually. i made the mince and it was obviously the best thing on the table that night. cause i'm just that good. we were just sat at the table for a while chatting about everything. then we went upstairs and we were on twitcam for a little bit. it was funny :') i don't think i've laughed this much in ages (read: since last weekend). after that we just "watched" a film and stuff.
we woke up on saturday at 9AM!!! what is this?! and we were all playing boardgames and having a laugh in bed. at 2pm, we decided to eat breakfast. then we played some more boardgames and then we got dressed and went to the shoppingcentre again and the girls ate subway. then i had to go home and get my train. so we all got the first train to the actual trainstation, then we all said goodbye to each other :( which was really sad! not gonna see them for at least 3 weeks. SUCKS! but it was a great weekend with my girls :)))
the rest of the weekend i've just been in bed watching telly. nice.
making tacos.
disgusting green guacamole.
bengan, linnea and gassia.
verro and i failed to open a can of redbull.
the very black chocolate cake.
why are we so cool?
then we fell asleep.
all in all, AWESOME weekend with my favourite girls!
one piece.

everyone should have a one piece, they're so wonderful.
excited about friday.

moa, linnea, lovisa, gassia, emelie and me. just cassi, nathalie and verro missing. love themmmm.
just got a question in my commentbox.
swedish: 'Hur många gånger har du träffat 1D och hur kommer det sig att du träffat dom i så många olika länder? :o
Har du kontakt med nån av killarna "privat"?
Nä var första gången du träffade dom?'
english: 'How many times have you met 1D and how come you've met them in so many different countries?
Do you have any contact with the boys privately?
When was the first time you met them?'
answer: i don't know how many times i've met the boys. too many to count basically, hah. and i used to live in london up until june this year when i moved back to sweden. so i met them alot in london when i lived there, also been to london on holiday so met them then as well.
no, i don't have any contact with the boys privately, apart from a few dm's on twitter, but i'm just a fan like everyone else.
the first time i met them was on october 8th last year, the day before the first liveshow on the x factor :)
i hope that answer was okay :)
bring 1d to sweden.
on saturday i took the train to stockholm at 4, met up with the girls at 5 and we took the train to the airport to meet up with the other girls :) sat there, like almost alone. but then more and more girls turned up. it was about 50 fans at the airport when they boys arrived. i still think it was alright though, got to speak to harry for a bit which is always nice. he's my baby. awkward moments with louis, but i reckon we're alright now. liam was a babe. zayn and niall didn't even see me, haha. but yeah all good. after that me, emelie, nattis and verro went home to the twins' house, ate some food and went to bed. just to get up 3 hours later and go queuing for the 1D event.
after loads of hassle with pathetic fangirls, we all ended up with a 1D wristband on our wrists. so we were the lucky 300 who got to go to the event, whilst about 600 people didn't get a wristband and didn't get to go. Inside I was stood with lovisa, linnea, gassia and moa. quite far back cause we couldn't really be arsed. but i had my amazing banner that said '@matildajonas is my baby.' haha! so linnea held it up cause she's tall so niall spotted the banner and stood on his tip-toes to see me and wave with the biggest grin on his face. he's so adorable, love him! they answered some questions and then performed 'what makes you beautiful' acoustic with niall on the guitar. amazing, such talented boys!
after the performance they had a signing, and my girls wanted me to go first for some reason haha so i went first. and basically just said hi to liam quick, then harry goes 'aaaaah, she's baaaack!! louisss, she's baaack!' whilst laughing. and louis goes 'wooooo she's back!!' and i was just like 'well... yeah?' haha. and then harry goes 'you've been to like loads of signings now, in different countries!' and i go 'this is my first signing...' then harry and louis just looks at each other and looks so confused. it was jokes. then i went over to zayn and cause he hadn't seen me yet he goes 'MATILDAAAAAAA!' like really loud and with a massive smile on his face. i was like 'oh hello there..' and then he high-fives me. lol, lame. i was like alright then. then niall sees me and high-fives me as well, weirdos. and i said to niall 'did you see my banner? ;)' and he goes 'haha yeaaaah!!' hah. i love them boys!
after that we all went to the airport to see them off, but it was packed so they didn't stop. so a fail in other words. i did manage to say 'louis, get your A+ arse out' pretty loud and he heard me. so i was embarrased. ohwell, it's all good fun. then i took the bus home from there :( boooring. didn't want it to end. love my girls and the boys so much.
gassia, moa and sandra in the queue.
verro's beautiful slippers.
writing numbers on all the fans' hands.
linnea and cassi in the queue.
inside the venue.
they were showing some of the boys' old x factor performances.
the boys. (the stage was so low down, it was shit.)
all the pictures are nathalie's. the link to her blog is tagged on the last picture :)
last friday night.
i also remember telling everyone who they look like out of harry potter.. lets just say that we got in some heated discussions about harry potter.

this is harry.


ron and luna. aka me and bella. (yes i'm ron, cause i used to be ginger)

malfoy is sat there with the blonde hair. also voldemort with the bald head.

lets just say it was a really good night.